Carrie Boyd » Daily Schedule

Daily Schedule

Daily Schedule


7:40 a.m. Bus arrives, Teacher greets arriving children. Teacher checks bus and checks children for any health issues.

          Children hang up backpacks and belongings, 

7:45-8:00 a.m. Morning circle: Good morning song, Calendar, Weather, Shapes,

Counting and assigning daily jobs.

8:00-8:05 Restroom and wash hands for breakfast.

8:05-8:25 Breakfast

8:25-8:45 2nd circle learning: Includes big day in prek

8:45-10:00  Centers:  Includes small group learning, handwriting without tears  

10:00-10:30  Gross motor play

10:30-10:40  Restroom, wash up for lunch and water break

10:40- 11:10 Lunch

11:10-11:25 Story time, literacy skill activities

11:25 -12:20 Centers: Includes observation and assessing

12:20-12:35 Gross motor free play (Indoor/outdoor)

12:35-1:55 Rest times

1:55- 2:15 Snack

2:15-2:35 Gross motor free play   

2:35- 2:40 Pack up and load bus


Guidance:  Thursday @10:00